How To Start A Blog
How to Start a Blog:
Planning on starting a Blog? Great!
I started my cooking blog as a hobby and eventually, my ideas become fuller and it expanded to bigger and better view on how I can help simplify the process of online technology journal. After all, creating this cooking blog is the best thing, I ever made. Everyday, I learn something new, I enjoy meeting new friends and most importantly, I’ve learned to express myself more, through writing and sharing my thoughts.
Everyone wanted to learn something new and exciting tips and tricks for almost everything now. If you were ever wondering on how to start a blog you’ve come to the right place. This article will take you through the art and beauty of blogging from soup to nuts. We will give you a step by step food blogging guide that will teach you on how to create a powerful and helpful blog content, and how to earn money and have fun at the same time on blogging!
Keep reading!
What is Blog?
Weblog (Web blogging, “Blog”) is an online informational diary or journal in a website or web page containing and accumulating informational content. It Includes informational text, pictures and videos to educate and simplify things to learn for the readers.
Blogging is something you write and share your views and opinions to everyone publicly. It is meant to be accessible to everyone looking for answer and help on “How to’s tutorials” like cooking, recipes, crafting, travels, DIYs, makeups and more.
Eight (8) Steps on How to Start a Blog:
Here are eight (8) steps to follow, on how to start building your own useful blog.
Step 1: Choose a Blog Niche
Step 2: Choose a Web Hosting
Step 3: Choose a Domain Name
Step 4: Choose a blogging Platform
Step 5: Customize your Website
Step 6: Start writing Blog Post
Step 7: Promote your Blog
Step 8: Make money on your Blog https://pharmaciemg.fr/
Selecting Blog Topics:
Selecting the blog topic, that you are discussing is the first thing, we should consider. A web post or blog content that will draw attentions to your readers is a must, to have a successful website or blog. To be successful in blogging, it is necessary to work well with time, effort, wide imagination, self-esteem and determination.
Topic Guidelines
- First, Blog the things you already know and enjoy the most. Like, Recipes, Travels, Makeups, Gadgets, DIYs etc. One perfect example is this blog. I love cooking and eating good food, so I blog and share my recipes and things I love and enjoy doing.
- Second, Blog about something you love or maybe an event in your life that many people can relate or talk about. Something exciting and will not bore your readers.
- Third, Choose a topic you, yourself can relate too, something unique and meaningful. I know, this is the hardest part of the process. By now, you have a lot of ideas in your head. But it will get better and easier when you already choose the perfect niche for you blog. One good advice is to start brainstorming good ideas and list it all down before planning on doing a website. believe me, this will save you more time in the future.
- Lastly, don’t take a shortcut for success. Don’t ever consider on blogging something you are not familiar with. Something you read online that make other person famous and popular. What apply to others may not even apply or fit you. Be yourself and enjoy the process of hard work.
Be yourself and success will follow!
Goodluck on this blogging journey!